Quality upgrading in Uganda’ dairy value chains

This study examines the challenges within Uganda’s dairy value chains, focusing on the difficulty of assessing and tracking milk quality. Utilizing a counterfactual framework, the study tests the impact of technology-driven quality measurement and traceability systems, specifically using a milk analyzer and an ICT application. Despite occasional breakdowns of the milk analyzers, which were subsequently repaired, anecdotal evidence highlights several emerging positive changes, particularly in milk quality, though the effects on pricing remain more ambiguous.

As the RFM initiative concludes in December 2024, discussions on sustainability and scaling have gained prominence. Thus, the key question is:

How can Milk Collection Centers (MCCs) be best supported to scale and maintain these promoted technologies?

Please provide your thoughts below:

To sustain and scale MCCs’, I think, use of technology and focus on staff training and public-private partnerships (to ensure long-term sustainability and scalability of technology adoption in MCCs) is essential.

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To support MCCs in scaling and maintaining these technologies, partnerships with equipment manufacturers should be established to ensure easy access to supplies, timely maintenance, and repairs. Additionally, providing incentives such as premium pricing for higher-quality milk and reliable payment schemes can encourage farmers to bring all their milk to the MCCs, ensuring a steady supply and improved quality control.